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If you are not currently treating your pets for fleas and ticks, now is the time to start thinking about what preventative you will use this spring/summer. The season is upon us and preventative products can be purchased at the shelter to help win the war on these annoying

bugs. You should treat EVERY pet in your home EVERY month. This also applies to pets who do not go outside.

Although purchasing flea and tick prevention products can seem costly, if you break down the cost in to the effective time period, it is inexpensive and worth the peace of mind. Fleas and ticks carry diseases that affect both our pets and ourselves. Both feed on blood. A flea infestation can get out of hand in a very short time. You should check your pets daily for any signs of these annoying bugs.

Signs of fleas or ticks on your pet:






*Skin Abrasions

*Patchy areas of hair loss

The shelter has flea & tick prevention products available for purchase. Please visit the shelter for help in determining what product would work best for your needs.

You may also want to consider treating your home and yard to prevent an infestation. Fleas & ticks can enter your home in many ways even if your pets do not go outside. There are many area business you can seek help from for your outdoor prevention needs.

Prevention is key – your pets will thank you.

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